15 November 2011

Terlahir kembali dan diperbarui

Terkagum, Terpesona.. 
Akan kebesaran karyaNya
Akan kemurniaan cintaNya
Sungguh tiada tandingannya kasihMu 
Ku hormat akan Engkau 
Sang Pemberi Hidup

Tepat hari ini..
Gereja Kristen Pasundan memasuki usia yang ke 77
Membawa diri untuk lebih lagi merasakan kehadiranNya yang nyata
Mengingat akan senantiasa untuk bersyukur atas nikmat Tuhan
Segala perayaan, pujian dan penyembahan hanya untuk kemuliaan namaMu
Sebab hanya Engkaulah yang memampukan GKP bertahan sejauh ini

Bukan hanya bertahan namun Tuhan ijinkan GKP bertumbuh
Tuhan telah memilih jemaatNya untuk bersatu
Tuhan telah memimpin gerejaNya untuk bersekutu
Tuhan telah menunjukan dan akan menunjukkan jalan menuju kekekalan

Tuhan memberkati mereka yang menanam benih
Tuhan memberikan segala yang dibutuhkan
Tuhan berkarya atas setiap umatNya

Bangun gereja ini, bangun mezbah DoaNya
Mendirikan pelataran untuk memuji dan menyembah Tuhan

Menjadi contoh terang dalam hidup ini
Memiliki hati yang murah hati dan berbelas kasihan
Melakukan apa yang benar seturut kehendakNya

Menemukan kedamaian dalam cahaya terangNya
Menemukan sukacita dan kasih karunia yang melimpah

Terima kasih, Tuhan..
Untuk apa yang telah dilakukan
Untuk apa yang sudah terjadi 
Untuk segala hal yang Engkau beri

Peringatan ini, HUT GKP, mengangkat suara hati 
Mengulangi lagi terima kasih atas berkat-berkat yang diterima
Mengingat kembali kemenangan dan kegagalan pada tahun lalu
Tabah dan konstan guna beralih ke tahun depan
Didukung oleh CintaNya yang memancar
Terlahir kembali dan diperbarui menjadi Gereja bagi sesama

Dirgahayu Gereja Kristen Pasundan
14 November 2011


1 komentar:

  1. www.versolanuovacreazione.it

    “My Father is at work until now, so I am at work”
    (John 5:17)
    “I bless you my children! Today I wish to speak to you about God’s work in these times and about the general picture in which your life and your mission is inserted.
    “Try to understand, above all, that you did not happen to be in the reality in which you are by accident, but you are here because of a precise divine project. Whatever you might think about yourselves or others might think about you, know that your life is precious and irreplaceable in the time and place in which you find yourselves to be, according to God’s projects. You have been preordained for this reality, and for this reason God gave you irreplaceable and original potentialities. No one in the universe is equal to you, because God’s creativity is unlimited and inexhaustable, and because each one of you is absolutely unique in his being and in his way of acting.
    “Unfortunatly, many on Earth live below their potentiality, because they do not make of themselves a gift to Me. I am the only One to know pefectly the Father’s project for each one of you, because from Him I received the order to bring to completion His work in every person. I am acting in you by the power of the Holy Spirit, who enlightens you, cloaks you, constantly inspires you pointing out the avenue towards Me, so that I might reveal to you the Will of the Father for each one of you.
    Without me you shall never truly be able to know yourselves, nor to be able to understand what is asked of you to do in this life.
    “The Holy Spirit and I are constantely at work in order to realize the Father’s project in each one of you, but we can do this only with the help of your freedom, that is, only when you willingly and freely choose to love and serve God and you offer to Him your life. This is the indispensable condition so that your potentialities activate and are at work. In fact, by the moment you decide to live for God and to be totally abandoned to His will, within you the action of the Holy Trinity starts working, and little by little, transforms your life and your thoughts. Thus, you are beginning to become conscious of who you are in God and to make a mark on reality, a creative mark, because it is divine creativity working in you. I wish you to be conscious about what I am saying to you, because the knowledge that God is active in you, independently from your human limitations and frailties, is determinant for your mission in the time in which you live.
    “Yours is a grand time and a difficult time for the entire universe. Grandiose for the power of the events that the hand of God is preparing, and difficult because it is a time of battle with the powers of evil, an always more open battle.
    All this does not refer to the planet earth alone, but to the entire creation and all the people who inhabit many other planets. I have already told you that they are children of God as you are, and that I gave My life for them as well. They are your brothers in whom the project of My Father has to be perfectly accomplished, just as it is in yours.
    “What is the project of the Father? To bring back the entire creation to the state of integrity and perfection it had before original sin; to bring back every person to the dignity and glory of a child of God. All men and every creature that exists in the universe must be made free from corruption and death which infiltrated themselves in the work of God because of the sin of your forefathers. Humanity must return to a correct relationship with God, by recognizing His authority and by submitting to His guide. How is the Father going to realize this project? By recapitulating all creation in Me, since He gave Me all power in the whole universe. CONTINUA
    “This is why I am at work
